Institution-Set Standards & Job Placement Rates

Institution-Set Standards

In addition to the district’s Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicators, each college reviews and establishes Institution-Set Standards and Stretch Goals for six key areas aligned to the institutional mission.  These areas are:

  • Course Success
  • Degrees Awarded
  • Certificates Awarded
  • Transfers to Four-Year Institutions
  • Licensure Pass Rates
  • Job Placement Rates


Institution-Set Standards for Coalinga College

Institution-Set Standards for ÀÇÓѸó


Job Placement Rates

The links below include job placement rate data retrieved from the CTE Launchboard.  This data source was first used by WHCCD for job placement tracking for the 2018 ACCJC Annual Reports.  Previous annual reports used data tracked through Perkins Core Indicators, which were not limited to program completers.

Job Placement Rates for Coalinga College

Job Placement Rates for ÀÇÓѸó

Job Placement rate data used for Institution-Set standards and for Gainful Employment disclosures are retrieved from Cal-PASS Plus Launchboard Program Tables, and are based on the percentage of program completers (degrees and certificates of achievement) who obtain employment four quarters (one year) after award conferral with no subsequent enrollment in the following year.  Students were included in job placement rate if they had a valid social security number and an Unemployment Insurance wage record in the fourth quarter.  Employment data are based on Unemployment Insurance and exclude individuals employed by the military or federal government, and those who are self-employed, employed out of state, unemployed or not in the workforce after completion of an award.

Complete Launchboard Data Specifications for Job Placement Rate