Institution-Set Standards

ÀÇÓѸó has determined the following standards by which to assess the institution. Institution set standards are levels identified by ÀÇÓѸó to be acceptable. 

The ISS and stretch goals listed on this page reflect the changes made at Planning and Governance Council on Nov. 10, 2021. ISS and stretch goals are reviewed annually by the Planning and Governance Council.


Institution-Set Standard (Minimum Acceptable Performance)

Stretch Goal Actual Rate 2017-18 Actual Rate  2018-19 Actual Rate 2019-20 Actual Rate 2020-21 Actual Rate 2021-22 Actual Rate 2022-23
Course Success Rate 70% 75% 73% 72% 74%* 75% 74% 77%
Students awarded associate degrees
(unduplicated headcount)

550 students per year

771 students per year 532 students 606 students 634 students 615 students 590 students 575 students
Students awarded CTE certificates of achievement (unduplicated headcount) 70 students per year 100 students per year 77 students 42 students 41 students 60 students 63 students 65 students
Students awarded all certificates of achievement (unduplicated headcount) 300 students per year 450 students per year 77 students 42 students 357 students  376 students  363 students 315 students
Transfers to Four-Year Institutions 450 transfers per year 525 transfers per year 446 transfers 489 transfers 537 transfers 567 transfers 484 transfers 389 transfers

*Spring 2020 course success rates include "EW" grades as non-successful attempts.

Licensure Pass Rates Institution-Set Standard (Minimum Acceptable Performance) 2017-18 Pass Rate

2018-19 Pass Rate

2019-20 Pass Rate 

2020-21 Pass Rate 2021-22 Pass Rate 2022-23 Pass Rate
AOJ POST – Arrest and Control* 85% 98% 65%        
AOJ POST – Firearms* 85% 100% 100%        
Certified Nurse Assistant 85% 66.6% 100% ** 84% 83% ***
Registered Nursing 85% 96.9% 94.4% 91.7% 90% 90.2% 89.1%
Paramedics 85% 90% 45.5% 78.9% 84.2% 92% ***

 * AOJ Post courses are no longer offered as of spring 2019

** 2019-20 CNA pass rates not available due to COVID

*** Not yet available

Paramedic Pass Rates

Job Placement Rates Institution-Set Standard (Minimum Acceptable Performance) Stretch Goal* 2015-16  2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20**
Administration of Justice 60%   74% 89% 56% 65% 74%
Business Administration 60%   * * * * *
Child Development 60%   * * * * *
Nursing 60%   100% 95% 94% 79% 95%

*Based on lack of current and consistent job placement data, CTE learning area opted not to set Job Placement Rate stretch goals (CTE Learning Area Meeting, March 27, 2019)

**Job placement rates based on CTE Launchboard data.  Outcomes for 2019-20 are the most recently available data as of November 2023.

Additional details on job placement rates, including data sources and methodology can be viewed on the WHCCD Job Placement Data page

* n-size too small to calculate job placement rate

Note: Data source used for Job Placement rates has changed from previous years. Currently using CTE Launchboard data, while past data were based on Perkins Core Indicators.


Course Success Rate: The percentage of students enrolled on the course census date who complete with a grade of A, B, C, or p

Degrees Awarded: The number of associate degrees awarded during the academic year. Students can be counted more than once for earning multiple degrees.

Certificates Awarded: The number of Chancellor’s Office approved Certificates of Achievement awarded during the academic year. Students can be counted more than once for earning multiple certificates.

Transfers: The number of students (unduplicated) transferring to four-year institutions after completing a minimum of 12 units at WHCCD. Transfer year is based on the academic year in which the student first enrolled at the four-year institution.


Archived Documents

Lemoore ISS through 2020-21
Lemoore ISS through 2019-20