Named Endowments

The endowment of the West Hills College Foundation is professionally managed following guidelines developed by the Foundation's Finance Committee. The committee monitors the performance quarterly and annually conducts an in-depth review with the investment advisors. Each named endowment is maintained as a separate account and receives its pro-rated share of the endowment's earnings and appreciation (total return). The usual annual pay out is 5%, following guidelines of the National Association of College and University Business Officers. Any positive difference in total return of the principle is credited to the endowment account. This helps to ensure continued growth of the account, thereby increasing the earnings that may be spent annually. The investment goal is to realize a return in equities and bonds that exceeds the pay out plus the applicable rate of inflation to yield a positive growth of the net worth of the account over time. Endowments provide predictable revenue for scholarships, faculty development, instructional support, library acquisitions and campus growth and enhancement. Endowments offer revenue in perpetuity which faculty and staff can use in planning curricula, building program excellence, and increasing access and opportunities for student success. The following describes some of the more common endowment and the minimum amount of support needed to create a named endowment. The donor selects the name of the account. A Memo of Understanding (MOU) or a letter of transmittal can detail any restriction or guidelines that the donor wishes to apply to the use of the gift. Unrestricted contributions are always welcome to meet new and emerging needs. All contributions are used for the purpose intended. No gift income or revenue from the endowments is used to support the operating and fund-raising expenses of the Foundation. We would be honored to meet with you and discuss the many possibilities for fashioning a gift to West Hills College Educational Foundation that meets your philanthropic interests and the needs of the college. Examples are noted below. Academic Awards - recognizes faculty-selected students who have demonstrated academic achievement. FACULTY SUPPORT Endowed Teaching Chair - professional faculty development and enhancement of an academic discipline, career program, specialty area or community issue. Faculty Prize - provides monetary stipend, travel award, study grant or other appropriate form of recognition to faculty for educational excellence, superior teaching, and academic achievement.

ACADEMIC SUPPORT Academic Advancement - discretionary funds for faculty to finance a variety of student-centered academic enrichment activities. Cultural Enhancement - concerts lectures, ballet, drama, dance, and art exhibitions to supplement regular college-sponsored programs. Library Acquisitions - supplement the acquisition's budget for the campus-based learning resource center. Can be specific to a discipline or program as well as directed for a particular department. Instructional/Athletic Equipment - classroom, studio, laboratory, athletic field upgrades and enhancements and supplemental instructional equipment.

For further information, contact Alexis Perez at (559) 934-2134 or email alexperez4@whccd.edu.