Engineering Scholars Program

The ÀÇÓѸó Engineering Scholars Program is a two year program designed to prepare engineering students for transfer to a four year university as a junior.

The program is broad so as to prepare for all engineering disciplines. Upon transfer, students will have met all of the lower division science and math prerequisites and a minimum of 16 units of lower division engineering credits, allowing a transferring student to jump right into the upper-division engineering coursework at the university.

While expansive to accommodate any engineering discipline, special focus is placed upon mechanical and civil coursework. By simply following the sequenced courses, students will be eligible to petition for an associate’s of science degree in engineering upon completion of their second year.

Scholarships May Include:

  • ENROLLMENT FEES (free tuition up to 70 units)
  • BOOKS and Supplies valued up to $600 a semester


  • Must complete pre-requisites prior to Engineering Scholars Program (Pre-Calculus must be completed).
  • Must be enrolled in the Engineering sequenced courses.
  • Must be enrolled full time with at least 15 units and complete 15 units each semester.
  • Must maintain a ÀÇÓѸó cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Must have a verifiable incoming GPA of 2.5.* Must submit official transcripts with this application.
  • Must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): at:  (ÀÇÓѸó school code 041113)
  • Must have a Student Education Plan on file by second semester.
  • Students are eligible up to a maximum of 70 units.
  • The Engineering Scholars Program will not pay for repeated classes.
  • AB540 students must submit a copy of their waiver to Student Services.
  • Recipients are expected to attend the fall meeting and see a counselor twice a semester to monitor academic progress.
  • If items listed above are not followed, the recipient may be subject to dismissal from the program

Due to strong support from our sponsors, unlimited number of scholarships are available for all qualified students majoring in engineering at ÀÇÓѸó.  All incoming students and current students are welcome to apply, and applications are accepted for each semester.

To Apply for Engineering Scholars Program please complete the West Hills Foundation Scholarship Application.

Please note that a myWestHills Login Required to complete general scholarship application. If you do not have a myWestHills login please complete an admissions application first.

Engineering Scholars Program Application (Pending)

If you have any questions or problems call (559) 934-2150 or email Foundation@whccd.edu.


For information about other scholarship opportunities available to ÀÇÓѸó students, please see

View Lemoore Scholarships.


Thanks to the following sponsors of our Engineering Scholars Program.

Chevron          PG & E          LA Sanitation District